Our shows
GNSRadio is a dystopian story told through one radio hosts announcements about a towns mysterious unfolding events after a take over from an evil corporation. Join us as we follow a story that surrounds missing citizens, strange experiments and an old radio host that just up and left one day.
Join us as we discover a world of whiskies that only one of us knows about.
Caskheads is a light-hearted yet informative podcast about the process that goes into making whisky
Dude, you good?
A podcast where two millennial friends talk about their day, what interests them, hobbies and even some deep dives into random topics we’re heavily invested in.
A gaming channel where all of the caffeineaddledminds team can be found either struggling or thriving their way through various video games.
We’re also working hard on providing exclusive bonus content that’s exclusive to this website!
That’s right there’s even more caffeineaddledchaos ahead!
We’ve got bonus clips of Dude you good? Such as bloopers or extended episodes with parts that didn’t make the main cut along with a whole other series called Dude you good? After Dark! Where we get honest, true and candid, we talk about things we can’t cover on the main show and we don’t hold back!
Are you a fan of Caskheads? Perhaps you’ve heard the fabled tale of The Caskwhisperer? Well we’ve compieled all the thunder banging, lightning flashing tales of how one person in a long coat is saving the world of whisk(e)y as we know it.
And how can we forget about GNSRadio? Have you ever wondered what it was like to be inside GNS, working for the company, the bad guy, the towns take-over-overlords? Maybe the cage cleaning assistant is just trying to get by or hey maybe that evil CEO secretly has a soft spot for kittens? Well with our GNSRadio bonus content you can find out all about it. Including David Evergreen and Babs’ afternoon tea conversations.
There will also be whole caffeineaddledminds episodes where we get together and discuss things as a group, including reviews of shows that might not make it onto the main feed.
Caffeine Addled Minds
It all started with a podcast, Caskheads. However in actual fact Caskheads was our trial, our training, our forging in the fires of the internet. Two brothers with a dream teamed up and created a podcast for whisk(e)y about whisk(e)y and it’s great, but it was only the beginning. Whilst working on Caskheads their big project was underway, that podcast is GNS radio, a tale of a small town radio host who gets forced into a job by the local shadowy and infinatley wealthy mega corporation, GNS. Now, as if two podcasts weren’t enough for these brothers they also took on a youtube channel where they play games, created this website and so much more including a youtube channel where animations from all their shows get done which can be found here and somewhere along the way another podcast was born called Dude you good? It’s all about spreading positivity and being a millennial.